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Stuff about me

My info page
My writings
My poetry

Things I love


My Links
A site made by me!


K, You want to know about me? Sure.

My RL name is Boy

I'm 18 years old and a guy (what a surprize, with a name like Boy)
Blond hair, odd eyes (green/blue-ish). I'm 6'2 tall for you americans and 1.88 for the rest of the world. lol. Oh, did I mention I live in the Netherlands
, for the ppl familiar with my country.

I'm a collegestudent, attending computer classes (Higher Computerscience). Don't let that scare ya though, I'm actually quite stupid. lol. 

I like to read, listen to music and daydream. Oh yeah, I'm an INTP. If you don't know what that means, then check out the link. Basically this means that I'm an introvert that gets bored pretty easily, so don't count on this website being updated much.

Old pic:

U can mail me at

But enough words about me: see what I've written under Stuff about me or see my site under misc